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Visitors 826
Modified 19-May-19
Created 13-Jan-12
228 photos

Although parents are not supposed to "have favorites" among their offspring, a photographer or artist should have no qualms about declaring his or her favorite images. In my case, the winnowing process was also a valuable tool in that it helped me refine my reaction to some of the thousands of photographs I've taken in the past three years. For all I know, many of these "favorite" images might not make the cut when I do this exercise again three years from now. For now, however, suffice it to say that I did immensely enjoy making each and every one of the images in this particular collection, and I also like looking at them. I hope you do, too.
First SnowFirst Snow IIPatagonia 3_20170424_1796_1797_1798The Golden DoorOlympicNP_042718_0751OlympicNP_042818_0643_0644_0645BigSur_Jul162016_0649_1BigSur_Jul152016_0725_B&WBigSur_Jul152016_0757Spirit of Our Ancestors_1686_87_88Pebble Beach Dawn_0010Sunset at Balanced Rock II_0567_68_69Emerging from the MistSparks Lake Sunset 2012_0724_0725_0726 copyNight ApproachesMitten and Juniper Arch_1541_42_43Sacred Ground_1719_20_21PaintedHills_May102016_0083PaintedHills_May102016_0092Painted Toes